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This blessed image of Maitreya Dadashreeji is known as ‘Divine Light.’ It is an active image, in that, all that you express to Him will reach Him through this Divine Light. We request you to look into His eyes, connect with Him and share your worries and pain, your joys and sorrows with Him. Empty your heart out to Him. Speak to Him just like you would with a trustworthy friend who will not judge you and accept you as you are. Gradually, you will even be able to receive guidance offered by Him, through your own Inner Being. This is the experience of thousands of devotees of Maitreya Dadashreeji. Try it for yourself!

Maitreya Dadashreeji says, “Make me your friend. I will walk with you every moment to listen, guide and support you.”

May you experience His Love and Blessings in your life!
May you walk towards the Light, on the path of Love!
May you be blessed with eternal happiness!

Please note: The charges are only for the frame and framing; and not for the Divine Light Itself. The Divine Light is available for all without any cost. This package however includes the Divine Light with a wooden fibre frame.

Divine Light


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