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Good for you, good for the planet. 


Eco-friendly toothbrush that decomposes within 6months. 
Size: 18.00 cm
Material: Sustainable Carbonized Bamboo
Bristles: Neem and Charcoal infused

BASE: Water bamboo as the base of the toothbrush gives guarantee for fungus protection till 2 years. Unlike the synthetic, man-made plastic and nylon toothbrush, bamboo is a natural material, coming straight from the bamboo plant. It's fast-growing, plant-based, and 100% biodegradable.

ERGONOMICALLY STYLED HANDLE: Easy to hold and non-slippery grip, making it very user-friendly.

CHARCOAL INFUSED BRISTLES: Our toothbrush features soft bristles with activated charcoal, which absorbs stain-causing tannin and ensures cleaner teeth, along with better oral health.
We use Dual layer bristles: inner layer PBT for strength and durability to last till 6 months.
It decomposes in soil just in 90-120 days period.
It is not harmful as the Nylon & other plastic bristles.
Even Dentists recommend Non-Nylon bristles or Natural bristles to avoid ulcers problem in early age.

With proper care, our ecological bamboo toothbrush will last just as long as a conventional plastic toothbrush. The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrush every 3 months, or when the bristles have frayed.


NEEM WOOD COMBS (Quantity 2)


WIDE-BRISTLED: Use the wide-bristles comb to detangle your hair before and after a head wash. 
After oiling your hair, run the comb on the scalp to massage the hair follicles gently, improve blood circulation in the scalp and promote good hair growth and scalp hygiene.


DAILY USE: Metal and plastic combs tangle hair, while a wooden comb does not. Detangling is smoother with a wooden comb that effortlessly glides across the scalp and through the hair, preventing breakage and split ends. Natural oils from the scalp get more easily absorbed in the wooden comb. Hence, spreading the natural sheen more evenly across the hair making them look healthier and glossier.  Neem wood being anti-bacterial in nature, is perfect for daily combing of hair. The wood also prevents cuticle damage typically caused by plastic or fibre combs & brushes. 


Once you start using a neem comb, you'll never want to touch plastic combs on your hair again.

It is advisable to change your neem comb every 6months to 1 year. 

For better results, gently comb your scalp with neem wood comb twice a day for healthy hair.

Bamboo Tooth-Brush & Neem Wood Combs Combo


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